23152(a) |
is used when DUI
involves drugs,
when there was
no BAC testing
performed or when
BAC is below .08,
but the government
wants to prosecute
the person anyway.
Drivers whose
BAC does not exceed
the presumptive
BAC limits can
still be convicted
of DUI if other
evidence shows
their abilities
were impaired.
23152(b) |
is called the
“per se”
law as it clearly
indicates that
driving with a
blood alcohol
level above 0.08*
violates the law.
Drivers who exceed
the BAC (Blood
Alcohol Content)
limit are presumed
to have been under
the influence
of alcohol when
driving, meaning
that their faculties
for driving were
impaired. This
quite frankly,
may not be the
case as some people
build a tolerance
for alcohol. They
may consume fairly
large amounts
and still function
fairly competently. |